¿Qué material necesito para mis rutas en bici?

 What do I need for my bike routes?


It is obvious that you need a bicycle to practice cycling of course, but it is very important that you choose the appropriate bicycle for the type of route you are going to do, road mountain ...

It is also essential that you use the appropriate bicycle for your height, for this you can help yourself from a friend, tutorial, or bike shop. You must choose the type of frame suitable for you (S, M, L ...) and the size of the wheels (26, 27.5, 29 ...).

Apart from this, you must adjust the saddle and the handlebar to your proper height.


The helmet is one of the most important garments when going out on a bike, it protects you from falls and accidents and prevents greater damage that would occur if you did not wear it, remember, wearing the helmet saves lives.

Like the bicycle, it is essential that you choose the right helmet for you, a helmet with which you feel comfortable and are well protected. You must adjust it to your head with the wheel and the straps that hold it.

Apart from the helmet that suits you, you should choose one that suits the type of cycling you want to practice, mountain, road, downhill, time trial, etc. These helmets are perfectly designed for your comfort and / or for your efficiency when practicing this sport. They can have more ventilation, they can be more closed and therefore more aerodynamic, or they can cover your face a lot to have more protection.


The clothing that you use for this sport is very important that it is adequate to opt for the greatest comfort during your routes. 
 There is a wide variety of products regarding cycling equipment, but here we are going to focus on the basic garments to make you enjoy your activities to the fullest.

Summer clothes:

  • Sweater
  • Shorts
  • Thin socks
  • Expandable undershirt

Winter clothes:

  • Long sleeve jersey
  • Long bib
  • Thermal
  • Fat socks
  • Neck warmer
  • Sleeves
  • Leg warmers


Glasses are  a fundamental tool to guarantee our safety, they  protect you from the wind, dust, stones, branches and mosquitoes, apart from that, they also protect you from the sun and ultraviolet rays.


Like glasses, gloves are essential to ensure our safety.
They protect from shocks, falls, scratches and cold.

Cycling sneakers

The cleats are shoes with a hook that makes them fit the pedals and thus you get more grip and more power in your pedaling.
It is very important that you take into account the sport you practice, it depends on which you will use some shoes or others. In mountain biking, the shoes have studs, however, in road cycling, the shoes must have a rigid sole. There are also cycling modalities in which cleats are not used, such as downhill.

Mobile phone

The mobile is a fundamental device for when you leave home to train. It allows you to communicate in case you need it for an emergency or for any other reason. 

Apart from communication, the mobile is very useful for other things such as recording your workouts, being able to orient yourself, saving memories through photos, etc.


The GPS is a technological device with which you can record your workouts and see the distance, altitude and time in which you have made your route, among many other possibilities.

With the GPS you will be able to see your location in real time, in this way you will be able to know where you are, program your routes and have more security when going out on your routes and being able to explore new places.


Cycling lights are an essential complement on routes you do with lower lighting.

You should have a white light at the front on the handlebar and a red light at the rear on the seat post. 

White light helps you have a wide field of vision in front of you.
However, the red light serves to make you visible to people, whether on the road or in the mountains.

Ruta nocturna

Kit de herramientas

Las herramientas son especialmente necesarias para que puedas tener tu bicicleta a punto y así en ruta no tener inconvenientes y, en caso de que los tuvieras, poder resolverlos fácilmente. 

Deberás tener las herramientas esenciales para llevar cuando salgas de ruta y también la que usarás en tu casa para mantener tu bicicleta ideal.

Herramientas para llevar en ruta: multiherramienta, tronchacadenas, bomba de mano, bombonas de CO2, desmontables de cubiertas, parches o mechas, cámara de repuesto, eslabón rápido para la cadena y patilla de cambio. Estas herramientas las puedes llevar en un bidón portaherramientas o en una bolsa portaherramientas.

Reparación pinchazo

Aparte de las herramientas citadas, es recomendable que tengas más utensilios para poder arreglar y mantener tu bicicleta en buen estado. Estos utensilios son: aceite, cera, líquido tubeless, bomba de pie, compresor, caballete de reparación, llaves para los tornillos, entre otros.

Otros accesorios para controlar tus entrenamientos

En este punto vamos a hablar de aparatos que nos van a ayudar a controlar nuestros entrenamientos. Con ellos vamos a poder ver nuestro estado físico e irlo regulando.
Estamos hablando de los pulsómetros y potenciómetros.

El pulsómetro es un aparato digital que nos permite medir nuestra frecuencia cardiaca mientras estamos realizando el entreno.

El potenciómetro es un dispositivo electrónico con el que puedes medir la potencia de tu pedaleo mediante la relación fuerza-velocidad. 

También podríamos añadir otro accesorio que se usa para calcular la distancia que recorres en un sitio estático: el rodillo. Estamos hablando del cuentakilómetros de buje.

Alimentación e hidratación

Este apartado es muy importante, ya que la alimentación e hidratación de tu cuerpo influye mucho a la hora de realizar tus entrenamientos.
Aquí voy a nombrar los alimentos y bebidas necesarios para llevar a cubo una ruta.

Respecto a la comida, podrás llevar: 

  • Barritas y geles energéticos
  • Frutos secos (pasas, orejones...)
  • Fruta (plátanos, mandarinas...)

Y en cuanto a la bebida, podrás llevar:

  • Agua
  • Sales minerales
  • Geles líquidos

Ahora ya sabes todo lo que necesitas para preparar tus rutas en bici y disfrutar al máximo de todas las experiencias que este deporte te otorga.

Con todo lo necesario para practicar este deporte, y con esfuerzo y ganas, conseguirás convertirte en todo un profesional.

Pero acuérdate de que lo más importante de este y todos los deportes es pasártelo bien y vivir feliz con una vida saludable. 

Te recomiendo que, si te ha gustado este post, eches un vistazo a mi blog. En él podrás adentrarte en el mundo del ciclismo y aprender todo sobre este deporte.

Ante todo, nunca dejes de pedalear, porque nada se compara con el simple placer de andar en bicicleta.


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